Removable Pad eyes: Features, Benefits, and Why They Outshine Standard Padeyes When it comes to sailing hardware, padeyes are an essential piece of equipment, providing secure anchoring points for a variety of onboard applications. As sailing technology advances, removable pad e... padeyes
ROPEYE Loop - Back to the Future! It's the big return of Ropeye Loop products!After almost two years of absence, this well-known brand is back in force on our waters, whether on new foiling dinghies, IMOCA’s, maxi’s, or to modernize a... -French posts -German posts padeyes Ropeye
Soft Padeyes – Light, Strong and Versatile Several types of soft padeyes are now available on the market and are proving increasingly popular over traditional stainless steel padeyes. They all capitalise on the incredible strength to weight ra... -German posts padeyes
LOOP Products: An Innovative Twist to the Stick-on Soft Padeye Padeyes are a multi-purpose attachment point, traditionally made of steel and bolted directly on to the deck. With a significant shift to soft connections over the last 5-10 years, the humble padeye h... Loop Products padeyes