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Sailing instruments

Modern portable GPS sailing instruments are a game-changer for those sailors who are looking to boost their sailing performance through data analysis. Commonly, dinghy sailing relied on sailor’s feeling and experience as they were unable to install complex instruments on their boats. Today, thanks to tech advances, compact sailing instruments fit on everything from various keelboats to foiling boards. Especially favoured by racing sailors, thanks to high precision GPS data these sailing instruments provide key sailing parameters like SOG (Speed Over Ground), compass bearing, distance to starting line and countdown in pre-start mode, VMG (Velocity Made Good), heel and pitch (favoured by foiling sailors) as well as allow shift tracking. Read more... 

  • Sailing instrument accessories
711.06 € 748.49 € 711.0600000000001 EUR
5% Off
65.28 € 68.72 € 65.28 EUR
5% Off
124.24 € 146.16 € 124.24000000000001 EUR
15% Off
441.29 € 464.52 € 441.29 EUR
5% Off
157.88 € 197.35 € 157.88 EUR
20% Off
46.29 € 48.73 € 46.29 EUR
5% Off
10.40 € 10.4 EUR
0% Off
1.24 € 1.24 EUR
0% Off
237.93 € 297.40 € 237.93 EUR
20% Off
10.40 € 10.4 EUR
0% Off

Also, sailing instruments store data for detailed review after sailing. On this page you will find sailing instruments from Sailmon, Vakaros, Velocitek and other brands. These instruments have been manufactured to endure the challenges of constant saltwater and UV exposure and provide visibility in different light and weather conditions. Perfect for sailboats without wired sailing systems or for those sailors who want a portable device that can be taken off the boat for debrief ashore. Depending on the model, you can connect your sailing instrument to wind sensor or loadcell, connect and share your success with peers via an interactive App.

Why do I need to buy a GPS sailing instrument?

If you want to upgrade your sailing experience with data that will help you to improve your sailing performance a GPS sailing instrument is your choice. It will not tell you how to get to the finish line faster or in which direction to sail, it will show the parameters of your sailing, so you could take informed decisions. For example, it might help you understand what makes you go faster or slower and find the shortest way at the highest speed. Whether you're into training on your own or sail racing in a competitive fleet these instruments are valuable assets that offer accurate data.

What key features shall I look for when buying a sailboat racing instrument?

  • Installed sensors and GPS update frequency
  • Screen brightness and visibility
  • Battery life and charging times
  • Connectivity (WiFi/Bluetooth/USB)
  • Dimension: size and weight and available brackets for installation
  • Ergonomic qualities
  • Available device memory
  • Software updates ease and frequency

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Are GPS sailing instruments class legal?

Depending on the Class you are sailing in it may be restricted to use sailing instriments. Some of the sailing instruments we sell have a “non-GPS mode”, when they are not transmitting GPS data, therefore the use of compass bearing or pre-start countdown. 

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